3 Reasons Ductless Mini-Splits Are a Good Investment in Clearwater, FL

Ductless mini-splits are excellent for those who want to stay cool in Clearwater, FL. Also, because of their many valuable qualities, they can marvelously serve those who use them over the long haul. Here are three reasons ductless mini-split systems can be such a good investment.

1. Higher Efficiency

Since mini-splits do not have ducts, you won’t have to worry about any holes appearing in ductwork through which treated air might escape. Ductwork leaks are one of the most significant threats to efficiency in traditional HVAC systems.

Furthermore, even without leaks, in standard HVAC systems, treated air must travel through the ducts before it can reach its destination. Sometimes, this route may be a circuitous one, reducing overall efficiency. Mini-splits do not have this problem.

2. Ease of Access

In addition to their ducts, ordinary central HVAC systems use a series of indoor and outdoor units, each of which has specialized functions. Some components exist only to provide heating, whereas others work exclusively to cool your home. These things may complicate the repair and maintenance work that HVAC technicians need to do from time to time.

Mini-splits, on the other hand, are much simpler. Not only do they not have ducts, but they also simply consist of a group of indoor and outdoor units with one of each going to your desired climate zones. This makes critical parts easier to reach and work on.

3. Zoning

The final advantage to consider is zoning. If you have a ductless mini-split, you’ll have the power to divide your home into as many cooling zones as you find convenient. You can create separate indoor comfort regimens with different temperatures and different times of operation for each of these zones. This gives you greater flexibility and may also allow you to use energy more efficiently.

Ductless mini-splits are efficient, easy to fix and versatile. They can be a marvelous investment in comfort for you in Clearwater, FL. Call Balanced Air to request ductless mini-split services today.

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